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High protein diet vegetable bone injury - high macromolecule fare produce bone injury

01-02-2017 à 20:21:54
High protein diet vegetable bone injury
What you eat after injury can help you recover from surgery, heal wounds and strengthen bones and muscles to get you back on your feet and back to an active lifestyle. Perhaps more concern should be focused on increasing fruit and vegetable intake rather than reducing protein sources. It is better to get zinc from foods than supplements, especially because high-dose zinc supplements can cause nausea and vomiting. Vitamin C is needed to make a protein called collagen and is needed for repairing tendons, ligaments and healing surgical wounds. Suggestions for areas of further research and investigation are also provided. This review aims to briefly describe these factors and their relation to bone health. Intakes of both calcium and protein must be adequate to fully realize the benefit of each nutrient. Almond milk is popular, but it is low in protein compared to cow or soy milk. There are many factors that influence bone mass, but protein has been identified as being both detrimental and beneficial. So, if you have a fracture, make sure to include protein with every meal and snack. Zinc is a mineral found mostly in animal foods — meat, fish, poultry and dairy foods — but it is also present in whole-grain breads and cereals, dried beans and peas (legumes) and nuts. When injury strikes and you have to limit your physical activity, make sure to cut down on portion sizes to compensate for decreased calorie burning. This review intends to briefly discuss several dietary and physiologic factors that affect bone health and to provide an overview. NNM Handouts and Tipsheets for Families and Communities.

Protein has been identified as being both detrimental and beneficial to bone health, depending. Concerns about dietary protein increasing urinary calcium appear to be offset by increases in absorption. While all nutrients are important in healing, vitamin C and zinc are superstars for their roles in healing. The high protein content of Western diets is often cited as a risk factor for osteoporosis or bone fractures ( 2, 3 ). Optimal protein intake for bone health is likely higher than current recommended intakes, particularly in the elderly. Amount and type of protein influences bone health 1, 2, 3, 4. Changes in bone mass, muscle mass, and strength track together. Focusing on high quality protein foods that contain all of the essential amino acids aid wound healing and keep your immune system strong. Protein intake affects bone in several ways: 1 ) it provides the structural matrix of bone, 2 ) it optimizes IGF-1 levels, 3 ) it is reported to increase urinary calcium, and 4 ) it is reported to increase intestinal calcium absorption. Moreover, loss of bone mass (osteopenia) and loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) that occur with age are closely related. Eggs, low-fat cheese or cottage cheese, yogurt and plain baked chicken, all provide quality protein and are usually well-tolerated in the early days after injury or surgery. Protein makes up roughly 50% of the volume of bone and about one-third its mass ( 1 ), and this bone protein matrix undergoes continuous turnover and remodeling. Vegetarians can get quality protein from soy-based foods.
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